Image of a recent female Toyger Kitten after Neutering.
Here at JungleQueen Toygers we take on the responsibility of Neutering both female and male kittens before they join you in there new home.
What is Neutering ?
Neutering is the removal of a cats reproductive organ.
Besides being a birth control method, and being convenient to many owners, neutering/spaying has the following health benefits;
Behaviours shuch as urine spraying and some forms of male aggression are reduced due to the decrease in hormone levels brought about by neutering.
Nutering can also prevent mammary tumours in female cats, as they are about seven times less likely to develop tumours if they are neutered before there first cycle.
In female cats spaying involves abdominal surgery to remove the ovaries. Male cat castration involves the removal of the testes.
What will my Toyger kitten look like after the Neutering process?
As you can see from the image above, Female cats have a small patch of fur shaved off and are left with stitches however the fur grows back within a month and the stitches should be removed the following week, resulting in the spaying process not being noticeable. In males there is no major difference in appearance and no fur is removed.
Will my Toyger kitten be its self after Neutering?
Toyer's have a very unique temperament they are very energetic loveable cats. The vets who preform the operation say that the cats may be tired and less energetic after however from experience all the cats we have neutered in the past return to there energetic ways straight away, although it is advised to be careful with them.
If you would like any more information of the neutering of our toyger kittens before they join you at your home please email
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